Monday, August 25, 2014

Final Reflection

Final Reflection

Going through the Reading 316 Program has been a journey of growth both professionally and personally.  I have aligned my growth with Viterbo’s five Core Values.

Core Value #1:  Contemplation, as we reflect upon the presence of God in our lives and work.  This standard has been with me throughout my reading journey.  Contemplation is what brought me to the reading program in the first place.  While taking the Early Reading Empowerment course, I reflected on the experience and realized how much I enjoyed working in the role of reading interventionist.  It almost felt like a calling: I needed to use my skills in order to help children reach their full potential. At that point, I enrolled in the 316 licensure program.  Even though I teach in a public school, my Christian values are always with me.  I approach my work with dedication and take my responsibilities seriously.  I treat the children in a kind and compassionate way knowing that it is my role to bring out the best that each child has to offer.

Core Value #2:  Hospitality, as we welcome everyone we encounter as an honored guest.  Hospitality played a key role in the work I did with my reading students.  Even though I was there as a reading interventionist, my focus was on teaching the whole child. This was most evident with my fifth grade practicum student.  While working with me, she went up two reading levels and gained twenty points on her MAP assessment.  Even though I worked hard and was well-prepared, I contribute some of that growth to boosting the girl’s self-confidence as a reader.  She was in her first year of middle school and had begun to decline.  I believe she was overwhelmed by the middle school workload and was not feeling as capable as previous years.  In our lessons, I continually pointed out what she could do and how much she was learning.  As our sessions progressed, I watched her come alive and enjoy reading again.  Even though content knowledge and preparation are important, reading teachers need to remember that their students are their honored guests and treat them as such.  This will help the students grow socially, emotionally, and academically.

Core Value #3:  Integrity, as we strive for honesty in everything we say and do.  I met this value in both my actions and my words.  At times the reading journey was demanding and was in addition to my already busy work and family schedule.  Even though I was busy, I stayed honest to the work that needed to be done and made sure that I was always well prepared and that my students’ needs were a priority.  Once I met the required intervention sessions with my first grade practicum student, I continued to meet with her during my prep time in order to give her the support that I felt she still needed.  When working with my students, I needed to be honest with them about what they could do and what they needed to improve on in order to move forward.  When communicating this information, I was thoughtful about my choice of words.  I always began with a compliment and pointed out the growth they had made.  I also made sure to set realistic goals so that they were attainable.  My words were encouraging but also conveyed the importance of the work that needed to be done and of our time together.

Core Value #4:  Stewardship, as we practice responsible use of all resources in our trust.  Stewardship is something that I practiced during my reading journey by collaborating with others.  During the reading courses, I gained valuable insights by listening to other teachers share their projects and experiences. I, in turn, shared my learning with my colleagues.  During my practicum, I worked closely with both of my students’ teachers in order to share strategies that worked and gains that were made.  I also consulted with my school’s reading specialist and literacy coach to discuss my observations and ask for suggestions.  As I move forward with my new position, I feel an obligation to continue to search out new resources in order to stay abreast of the latest research.

Core Value #5:  Service, as we work for the common good in the spirit of humility and joy.  The service aspect of my job as a teacher and reading interventionist is something that I think about frequently.  I realize that the window to guide and help struggling readers is quite small and that I have an obligation to do the best I can with the limited time that I have. The ability to read plays such a crucial role in all aspects of a person’s life, and it is my responsibility to help each child reach his full potential.  Even though helping struggling readers can be daunting at times, watching their growth as a reader and the impact that it has on their confidence is pure joy!


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